Monthly Archives: July 2013

Breast is Best! and there’s evidence to support that


Lets start out this blog with a pro breast feeding article.  I always knew I would breastfeed my babies because my mom did with all five of her natural children.  Once I had my own, it became very important for me to research everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!  Once I read how many horrible ingredients were in formula, it was very clear that I would never use the stuff.  I totally understand why so many people use it for various reasons but it is my personal choice not to.  The thought did cross my mind, ‘What if I dont make enough milk? What if I dont make enough milk? How would I feed my baby?’ if Im not going to suppliment with formula?  Luckily I was able to nurse my oldest until she was 12 months old and Im still nursing my almost 19 month old so I never had to worry about supplimenting.  During my research I did learn there were other options than formula and I plan to share that eventually.  Until then, I found this awesome article from NBC news on the correlation between breastfeeding and intelligence indicating that breastfed babies had higher IQ’s at age 7 than babies that were fed formula.  The article is very detailed and gives great insight into the topic.  Enjoy!